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Recommended webcam for PC

Experience a clear and smooth online study room (720p / 30fps) in widescreen format on platforms such as Zoom.

This product will be one of the standard webcams

If you use a PC, you can also experience a magnificent online study room on 49 screens (9 x 9) with Zoom settings.

North American Amazon

Thank you for recommending the webcam from the participants.

Coincidentally, I used the same guy. It is said that other participants are also using it.

Since it is a USB type, you do not have to worry about running out of batteries, and the angle can be adjusted freely, so it is recommended.

I didn't hear about the breakdown from the participants last year (as of 2017), so I don't think there is a problem with the robustness. (Depending on how you use it, it feels like a breakdown after 3 years)


Virtual Study Room on Zoom Free 24/7


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